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A Healthy Immunity Starts With Food

If you knew you had access to knowledge that would one day, act as your suit of armor during a pandemic, would you pay attention to that knowledge? I'm hoping your answer is yes. As we move through this pandemic, we are praying for all those affected by the COVID-19 virus, from the lives we lost, to those who are seriously ill, and those who are risking their lives to save and serve others. This is a time where even though we are all practicing social distancing, in many ways, we are more connected to one another. No one is exempt, we are all experiencing this universal challenge, that has brought us all to our knees, as we pray for our family, friends, neighbors, and our planet.

There has been another pandemic that has been brewing for quite some time, yet it has been largely ignored, up until now. That pandemic is of chronic disease and a compromised immune system. When someone comes down with a chronic disease, e.g., Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Arthritis, and Cancer, we're treated with medications and sometimes surgery. When we develop a chronic disease, it's a life sentence. It usually means (Western approach) we can treat it with medication, to suppress our symptoms, but the underlying root cause remains. Therefore, we become a patient for life. What hasn't been addressed is having a compromised immune system, is ascribed in part to the foods we're ingesting that are causing inflammation in our body. The Standard American Diet (SAD) consisting of conventional meats, white flour, excessive sugar intake, hydrogenated oils, refined grains, processed food products, leads to a nutritional disaster. This lifestyle is the leading cause of chronic disease and is one of the easiest to correct.

I am living proof of this fact. In my 30's and 40's, I was on so many medications most of the mood-stabilizing medications (SSRIs), muscle relaxers, sedatives, and sleeping pills, I had my own pharmacy inside my medicine cabinet. And each time I walked into my doctor's office, with another complaint or symptom, I was given a new medication. Then at the age of 44, I received a breast cancer diagnosis. Fearing for my life, as I just lost my mother to the disease, I opted for a double mastectomy and chemotherapy. A year later, after all of my treatments, my body was shutting down, and every joint in my body ached. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and then Fibromyalgia, and was placed on more medications to treat my symptoms.

My quality of life was just about zero and I was losing all hope. But then one day while doing a Reiki session, my therapist advised me to look into a functional medicine doctor who works with cancer patients. So I did. And that's when I learned that "food is medicine" and the importance of whole foods nutrition, full of colorful fruits and vegetables, high-quality protein, and healthy fats. I was also placed on supplements to boost my immune system while eating this way. Four months later, I was 100 percent symptom-free. That experience motivated me to go back to school and get my nutrition training. I experienced the healing power of real food. That is why I became a health coach. I want to educate and inspire others to take back control of their health.

I want to personally invite you to have a chat with me this Sunday, April 26, from 4:00-4:30 pm Eastern time. I will be discussing the science of eating well, and how building a strong foundation is easier than you think. All you have to do is log into Zoom, login information is below:

Zoom join meeting code: 781 820 0942

Passcode: 310866

Feel free to share this flyer with loved ones as well.

I am so looking forward to talking with you, and please feel free to invite a friend or family member.

With Love and Appreciation,

Donna Markussen

Finding Your Health
PO Box 247
Center Harbor, NH 03226

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All material and information presented by Donna Markussen is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made about products, supplements, or treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information on this site, is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle.

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