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Happy Holidays! Thanks For Our Time Together

What a year it has been for all of us!

I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart whether you attended one of my workshops and talks, read my blog posts, listened to my Facebook Lives or read my book, Finding My Way, Facing My Journey With Courage. I have seen a lot of growth in my clients this year, and I appreciate your ability to be open to new ideas and new perspectives. It is my wish for you to see with almighty clarity the importance of taking care of your body, mind, and soul, to rest and restore, and to nourish your body with nutrient dense foods.

I have also learned a great deal about myself this year, thanks to you. I am profoundly impressed by the deep bond we humans share and by our need to love and care for one another. That loving connection is very powerful and it has made a huge and positive difference in my life. Thank you for being part of my health-conscious tribe.

This year, I experienced the unimaginable joy of finishing and publishing the many life lessons I learned and my story of courage. Not only was the writing process hugely therapeutic, as I flushed out a lot of old wounds, but the human connections I made with others who read my words was life-changing. It helped me to realize that even though our lives are different, we all share similar triumphs and struggles. That soul-to-soul connection was a tremendous gift.

My service going forward is to continue spreading the light, helping others see the importance of self-care, and how feeding ourselves good nutrition is part of our self-care ritual. It is important that we take the time to feed ourselves in this nourishing way.

More than ever, we need to love and care for one another, and learn to appreciate our differences, instead of judging them. It is my hope moving forward that you treasure every small moment in your journey and open yourself up to making some important changes if what you’re doing is not working in your life right now. That's why having support is so important and why I thank you all for staying in touch with me.

If you are going through a difficult time right now, I pray that you can give yourself the patience and self-care required to let your healing unfold. And, please, let others spoil you; you deserve it!

I hope this holiday season found you with people who love and adore you, and you had time to rest and restore your balance. I wish you much success in this new coming year!

With love and appreciation,

Donna Markussen

Finding Your Health
PO Box 247
Center Harbor, NH 03226

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All material and information presented by Donna Markussen is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made about products, supplements, or treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information on this site, is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle.

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