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Announcing 5-Day Spring Detox!

Look for Full Sign-Up Details Coming Soon!

When: May 7 2018-May 11, 2018.

Location: On-line, All Digital Content and Live Access With Me Online Using Webinars and Facebook

This is a whole foods detox, and is a simple way to help you crowd out probematic foods (sugar, dairy, gluten), while introducing nutrient-dense real whole foods back into your diet. Time saving tips and recipes, shopping lists and lifestyle and supplement suggestions are included. A complete handbook to follow as well. Each day, I'll post a new recipe to try, as well as tips for batch-cooking, preparation, etc., to help you stay on track.

This beginners detox is a great segue into learning all about healthy food choices, a healthy plate, that you'll be able to sustain in the long run. No more dieting! You'll feel better as you omit foods that are causing inflammation, and therefore, prohibiting you from losing weight. And, if you continue to eat this healthy way, your excess pounds will just melt away organically.

You'll have full access to me before, during and after the detox, to ensure your success! And you'll gain all the support from like-minded individuals looking to clean up their diet, before summer arrives!

Detoxes can help to:

  • Rev up your metabolism. A properly done detox can be great for re-setting your metabolism and burning fat that's been clinging to your body for years.

  • Give your body a break! Digestion takes a lot of energy, and it's important to give our digestive systems a break every now and then so they can repair damage done from foods that can damage them, like fried, processed, and sugary treats.

  • Reset your habits. Have you noticed that you're reaching for the candy bowl more often than before? Are you drinking more wine than water these days? Cleanses are great for helping you become aware of your bad habits so you can start changing them.

  • Make you feel better than you’ve ever felt before. You'll find you have more energy, sleep better, and have more drive for life than ever before – pretty incredible for just 5 days!

  • There will be whole foods recipes as well as delicious smoothie recipes to follow. One of my favorite smoothie recipes is below:

Cinnamon Pear Smoothie

Serves 1


  • 1 ripe pear, seeded

  • 2 TB raw almond butter, or ¼ C raw almonds soaked overnight in 1 C fresh water

  • 1 TB ground flax seeds

  • 2/3 – 1 C almond milk

  • ¼ tsp cinnamon

  • ¼ tsp raw honey

  • 1 small handful spinach, kale or collard greens (stems removed)

  • ½ C ice cubes

  • 1-2 Scoops SunWarrior Protein, Vanilla Flavor* *Optional (this adds in plant-based protein to keep you full longer)


Combine all ingredients in your blender. Turn your blender on low and increase speed until all ingredients are incorporated. Serve immediately.

Tip: if you don’t have a high-speed blender, smoothies often blend better if you blend all the fruit with the liquid first. Then add the remaining ingredients and blend again.

Please message me if you're interested in participating at

To your health and happiness!

Donna Markussen

781-354-4075 (cell)

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